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Setting & Achieving Equestrian Goals

Krista Williams Dives Into How She Accomplishes Her Goals

By RW Crew & Krista Williams | January 15, 2024

A successful small business owner and fiercely competitive professional barrel racer, RW-sponsored rider Krista Williams has achieved all of her goals (and more) because of her hard work ethic and pure determination. Through years of training and keeping a positive mindset, Krista has learned how to adjust her goals over time to keep pushing herself forward. We asked for her insight on what goals mean to her, as well as how she trains and overcomes obstacles to achieve the goals she sets with her horses. Read on to hear her tips on how to work towards even the most ambitious of riding goals!

Advice From WPRA Champion &
Sponsored Rider, Krista Williams

Q: Why are goals important to you?

A: I need a game plan to hold myself accountable. Without a game plan, it’s easy to watch three, four, or even five months go by without making strides towards my end goal. At first, the hardest thing might be just saying the goal out loud or writing it down. It’s often easier to accept that you "can’t," which forces you into your comfort zone, rather than making that first step.

Q: How do you go about setting goals for yourself?

A: I start by reflecting on the prior year, then ask myself three questions: What went right, what went wrong, and how I can do better? I also take time to reflect on my current situation by asking myself whether I’ve maxed out my current horse, or my own health, and what new tools I might need for the next step. The last thing I want to do is become comfortable or stagnant!

When writing out my goals, I start with a long-term goal that currently feels out of reach; then, I work my way back. My yearly goal is something I haven’t achieved before, all the way back to monthly and even weekly goals. My short-term goals are reachable, and I focus on them daily. In reality, we only need to be 1% better than yesterday for it all to start adding up! I reflect on my goals weekly or monthly and readjust them as needed. Sometimes I may hit a crossroads, and while it’s okay to take a different path, it’s never okay to go backward.

Krista at a barrel racing competition, turning around a barrel on a bay horse.

"If I feel like my goals are one step out of my reach, I find myself digging deeper, stepping out of my comfort zone, and thinking outside the box."​

Q: What do you do on a day-to-day basis to meet your goals?

A: It’s important for me to schedule out each day, including what I will eat, when I will work out, when I will work, and when I will ride. I’m self-employed, so I have to hold myself accountable. I also love to read and try to fill my mind with something positive daily. It helps if I write something positive about myself every morning; if I don’t believe in myself, I will never achieve my goals!

Q: Do you have any tips for navigating obstacles that come between you and your goal?

A: This is something we all have to deal with. Sometimes what feels like a tragedy could be a new opportunity, whether that’s starting a new colt, investing in a new trainer, or meeting a gym goal. It’s all in the way you look at it! I think of these obstacles as tests to make sure my heart is in the right place. The key for me is to not be prideful, always ask for help, and be willing to change my course.

Q: If you could give someone starting out in your sport one tip, what would it be?

A: Declare your goals to YOURSELF and start with something small. Remember that you only need to focus on 1% improvement every day. Before you know it, you will be reaching those goals!

Learn more about Krista and how she has become an incredible athlete through hard work and goal setting in the video above!

Closing Thoughts

Krista standing next to her bay horse tied at the horse trailer.

We hope you enjoyed Krista's advice on setting and achieving goals as much as we did! The goals we set as horseback riders can feel too overwhelming to achieve in the long term, but breaking things down into short-term steps helps us progress over time. By becoming 1% better each day, we can be 365% improved after a year! Krista highly suggests taking that first step toward your goal, no matter how scary or daunting it may be. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-620-9145 or for assistance. In the meantime, happy riding!

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