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How to Safely
Adjust Your Stirrups

Learn how to shorten or lengthen your stirrups while mounted.

By RW Crew & Amanda Garcia | October 31, 2023

Knowing how to safely adjust your stirrups while still in the saddle is a fundamental skill every equestrian should know. Not only will it save you time, but it can prevent a potentially dangerous situation for you and your horse. For example, if you need to mount from the ground, lots of equestrians lengthen their stirrup to mount and then shorten it back to their appropriate length.

Adjusting your stirrups safely means keeping your foot in the iron and holding onto the reins while you make any adjustments. This will keep you safe in the event that your horse spooks or moves off quickly. Read on to learn the five easy steps to adjust your stirrups and check out our helpful how-to video with Sponsored Rider Amanda Garcia!

How to Adjust Your Stirrups in 5 Easy Steps

Pro Tip: When first learning how to adjust your stirrups while mounted, it can be helpful to have your trainer, parent, or friend hold your horse. This allows you to become comfortable using one hand to manipulate the leathers and buckle without the pressure of your horse walking off.
  1. Place both reins in the opposite hand of the stirrup you will be shortening or lengthening. Maintain loose contact so you can collect your reins quickly if need be.
  2. Swing your leg forward so it is lying on or in front of the flap of your saddle, as if you were adjusting your girth. Your foot will stay in the iron the entire time.
  3. Whichever side you are adjusting, use the hand that is on that side to pull the front strap of your leather down. You may need to remove the tail end of the leather out of the leather keeper if you are making a dramatic change of length. The pulling action will cause the buckle, which sits next to the stirrup bar, to move down so you can adjust it.
  4. Manipulate the buckle up or down with your hand until you reach the hole in which you would like to place it. Use your fingers to work the prong into the hole of your choice.
  5. Once the buckle is set, pull down on the back side of your leathers so that the buckle returns to resting next to the stirrup bar. If you removed the excess leather from the keeper, slip the tail end back into the leather keeper. Swing your leg back down and make sure you don't have any lumps or bumps in your stirrup leathers, especially up by the stirrup bar.
Adjusting your stirrups while mounted is an important skill any english equestrian should be proficient on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long should my stirrups be?

A: Stirrup length is dependent on a few things. Saddle type, discipline, and rider conformation all change how the stirrups need to be adjusted. For example, if you are cross-country jumping, you will likely want shorter stirrups. If you're doing dressage, then longer stirrups may suit you better. Similarly, if you're in a forward flap saddle, shorter stirrups might benefit you; vice versa, if your saddle has a longer, straighter flap, then a longer stirrup might be better. No matter what, the most important thing is that you are comfortable in the saddle! So pick a length that suits you, and remember you can always adjust the length.

Q: Is there a way to test the length of my stirrups before I get on my horse?

A: Yes, but it is not an exact science. Lots of riders find that the length of their arm makes for a decent stirrup length. To measure this, touch your fingertips to the stirrup bar and adjust the length so that the bottom of the stirrup iron is in your armpit.

Q: Does the extra length of stirrup leather have to go in the keeper?

A: If the stirrup leather is long enough to reach the keeper, it is a good idea to put it in; however, if it is more comfortable to have it under your leg, that is okay too. If it is so long that it becomes tangled with your leg or the body of the stirrup leather, then it should definitely be tucked in.

english rider looking at the length of her stirrups before she gets on her brown horse.

Closing Thoughts

When it comes to learning how to adjust your stirrups, practice makes perfect. This simple yet important skill not only keeps you and your horse safe but can save you time and energy since you won't have to dismount and remount just to change the length of your stirrups. It can be especially useful for riders who are riding multiple horses or for multiple riders sharing one horse. We hope this guide has helped you better understand how to safely adjust your stirrups, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact our friendly customer service at or at 1-800-620-9145. Happy riding!